Version 4 SHEET 1 1112 680 WIRE 64 208 64 176 WIRE 64 320 64 288 WIRE 240 176 64 176 WIRE 240 208 240 176 WIRE 240 320 240 272 FLAG 64 320 0 FLAG 240 320 0 SYMBOL current 64 288 R180 WINDOW 0 24 88 Left 0 WINDOW 3 24 0 Left 0 SYMATTR InstName I1 SYMATTR Value 100µ SYMBOL cap 256 208 M0 SYMATTR InstName C1 SYMATTR Value 100µ TEXT -568 240 Left 0 !.savebias initial_condition.bp time=10m repeat TEXT -568 200 Left 0 !.tran 0 1 0 100n uic TEXT -568 280 Left 0 ;.include initial_condition.ic TEXT -568 -448 Left 0 ;This file demonstrates the use of the SAVEBIAS command to record node \nvoltages & currents for use as '.IC' values for the following simulation.\n \n1) Run the simulation, and halt it after approximately 30ms.\n \n2) The simulation will generate a file named 'initial_condition.bp'. Rename \nthat file 'initial_condition.ic'.\n \n3) Open the file 'initial_condition.ic', and change the LTspice keyword from\nNODESET to IC. Save the file.\n \n4) On the LTspice schematic, uncomment the 'INCLUDE' line.\n \n5) Run the simulation. Note that the capacitor voltage starts charging at the\n10ms interval just before you stopped it.\n \nNotes:\n- If you have subcircuits that also need initial conditions set, make sure \nthose signals are recorded via the Control Panel-Save Defaults'.\n- 'IC' commands manually added to the schematic seem to override the \nexternal IC commands.