Version 4 SHEET 1 1356 680 WIRE 304 208 256 208 WIRE 192 224 160 224 WIRE -64 240 -128 240 WIRE -32 240 -64 240 WIRE 304 240 256 240 WIRE 576 240 496 240 WIRE 736 240 656 240 WIRE 800 240 736 240 WIRE -128 272 -128 240 WIRE 736 272 736 240 WIRE 496 288 496 240 WIRE -128 400 -128 352 WIRE 496 400 496 368 WIRE 736 400 736 352 FLAG 736 400 0 FLAG 496 400 0 FLAG 800 240 sense IOPIN 800 240 Out FLAG 304 208 comp FLAG 160 224 sense IOPIN 160 224 In FLAG -128 400 0 FLAG -64 240 $G_TEMP FLAG 304 240 _comp SYMBOL res 560 256 R270 WINDOW 0 32 56 VTop 0 WINDOW 3 0 56 VBottom 0 SYMATTR InstName R1 SYMATTR Value 10000 SYMBOL voltage 496 272 R0 WINDOW 3 30 91 Left 0 WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0 WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0 SYMATTR Value 10 SYMATTR InstName V1 SYMBOL Digital\\schmitt 192 160 R0 WINDOW 3 24 112 Left 0 WINDOW 123 24 138 Left 0 SYMATTR Value Vt=4 Vh=1 Vhigh=5 SYMATTR InstName A1 SYMATTR Value2 tripdt=1u SYMBOL ntc_resistor_g_temp 720 256 R0 SYMATTR InstName RT1 SYMATTR SpiceModel C620_10000 SYMATTR Value Tol={NTC_TOL} SYMBOL voltage -128 256 R0 WINDOW 3 19 108 Left 0 WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0 WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0 SYMATTR InstName VS SYMATTR Value PULSE({TMIN} {TMAX} 0 {TP/2} {TP/2} 0 {TP}) TEXT -152 8 Left 0 !.op TEXT -152 -72 Left 0 ;.STEP PARAM NTC_TOL LIST -10 0 +10 TEXT -152 -104 Left 0 !.PARAM NTC_TOL=0 TEXT -152 -544 Left 0 ;SweptTemperature Sweep Over Multiple Cycles\n \nTesting of a temperature circuit with hysteresis can't be analyzed with\nstepping TEMP because the simulator doesn't use the result of the \nprevious step for the next calculation. Instead a .DC or a .TRAN analysis \nis required. This will also require a change in the original NTC-library(ntc.lib).\n \nThe global net's voltage $G_TEMP is used in the new model file "ntc_g_temp.lib"\nfor the temperature in degree C. The sensor temperature is basically "$G_TEMP"\n in normal sensor applications where self heating should is kept at a low level by design.\nNevertheless the sweep period time should be set to 1000sec with a .TRAN simulation\n to get a settled condition regarding self heating. The .DC solution is always calculated\nfor the settled self heating condition.\n \nNTC-temperature = $G_TEMP+T_self_heating TEXT -152 72 Left 0 !.tran 0 {10*TP} 0 {TP/2000} TEXT -152 104 Left 0 !.options plotwinsize=0 TEXT 176 16 Left 0 !.param TMIN=0 ; degree\n.param TMAX=100 ; degree\n.param TP={20*(TMAX-TMIN)} ; temperature cycle time TEXT 664 456 Left 0 ;symbol: ntc_resistor_g_temp.asy\nlibrary: ntc_g_temp.lib TEXT -32 264 Left 0 ;up-dn LINE Normal -32 288 -64 320 LINE Normal 0 320 -32 288 LINE Normal 32 288 0 320 LINE Normal 64 320 32 288