Version 4 SHEET 1 992 680 WIRE 304 32 272 32 WIRE 208 48 192 48 WIRE 192 96 192 48 WIRE -32 144 -48 144 WIRE -16 144 -32 144 WIRE 112 144 48 144 WIRE 320 144 272 144 WIRE 384 144 320 144 WIRE -16 176 -48 176 WIRE 112 192 96 192 WIRE 384 192 288 192 WIRE 96 256 96 192 WIRE 96 256 64 256 WIRE -32 272 -32 144 WIRE 0 272 -32 272 WIRE 192 336 192 240 WIRE 128 352 96 352 WIRE -48 416 -48 176 WIRE 320 416 320 144 WIRE 320 416 -48 416 FLAG -48 144 T IOPIN -48 144 In FLAG 384 144 Q IOPIN 384 144 Out FLAG 96 352 R IOPIN 96 352 In FLAG 384 192 Q\ IOPIN 384 192 Out FLAG 304 32 S\ IOPIN 304 32 In SYMBOL Digital\\dflop 192 96 R0 SYMATTR InstName A1 SYMATTR Value2 td={tdgate2} tripdt={tripdtgate} vhigh={vhighgate} vlow={vlowgate} SYMBOL Digital\\xor 32 96 R0 SYMATTR InstName A2 SYMATTR Value2 td={tdgate} tripdt={tripdtgate} vhigh={vhighgate} vlow={vlowgate} SYMBOL Digital\\buf 0 208 R0 SYMATTR InstName A3 SYMATTR Value2 td={tdgate} tripdt={tripdtgate} vhigh={vhighgate} vlow={vlowgate} SYMBOL Digital\\buf 272 -32 M0 SYMATTR InstName A4 SYMATTR Value2 td={tdgate} tripdt={tripdtgate} vhigh={vhighgate} vlow={vlowgate} SYMBOL Digital\\buf 128 288 R0 SYMATTR InstName A5 SYMATTR Value2 td={tdgate} tripdt={tripdtgate} vhigh={vhighgate} vlow={vlowgate} TEXT -232 -72 Left 0 ;T S\\-R Flip-Flop from D Flip-Flop\nLast updated April 21, 2008\n \nUsed by 74HC193 circuit simulation TEXT -296 440 Left 0 ;All gates assume a run-time .param statement be placed in circuits that call this component.\nExample: .param tdgate=10n tdgate2=3*tdgate tripdtgate=1n vhighgate=5v vlowgate=0v