Keyword |
Data Type |
Default Value |
Description |
abstol |
Num. |
1pA |
Absolute current error tolerance |
baudrate |
Num. |
(none) |
Used for eye diagrams. Tells the waveform viewer how to wrap the abscissa time to overlay the bit transitions. |
chgtol |
Num. |
10fC |
Absolute charge tolerance |
cshunt |
Num. |
0. |
Optional capacitance added from every node to ground |
cshuntintern |
Num. |
cshunt |
Optional capacitance added from every device internal node to ground. |
defad |
Num. |
0. |
Default MOS drain diffusion area |
defas |
Num. |
0. |
Default MOS source diffusion area |
defl |
Num. |
100µm |
Default MOS channel length |
defw |
Num. |
100µm |
Default MOS channel width |
delay |
Num. |
0. |
Used for eye diagrams. Shifts the bit transitions in the diagram. |
fastaccess |
flag |
false |
Convert to fastaccess file format at end of simulation. |
flagloads |
flag |
false |
Flags external current sources as loads. |
Gmin |
Num. |
1e-12 |
Conductance added to every PN junction to aid convergence. |
gminsteps |
Num. |
25 |
Set to zero to prevent gminstepping for the initial DC solution. |
gshunt |
Num. |
0. |
Optional conductance added from every node to ground. |
itl1 |
Num. |
100 |
DC iteration count limit. |
itl2 |
Num. |
50 |
DC transfer curve iteration count limit. |
itl4 |
Num. |
10 |
Transient analysis time point iteration count limit |
itl6 |
Num. |
25 |
Set to zero to prevent source stepping for the initial DC solution. |
srcsteps |
Num. |
25 |
Alternative name for itl6. |
maxclocks |
Num. |
Infin. |
maximum number of clock cycles to save |
maxstep |
Num. |
Infin. |
Maximum step size for transient analysis |
meascplxfmt |
string |
bode |
Complex number format of .meas statement results. One of "polar", "cartesian", or "bode". |
measdgt |
Num. |
6 |
Number of significant figures used for .measure statement output. |
method |
string |
trap |
Numerical integration method, either trapezoidal or Gear |
minclocks |
Num. |
10 |
minimum number of clock cycles to save |
MinDeltaGmin |
Num. |
1e-4 |
Sets a limit for termination of adaptive gmin stepping. |
nomarch |
flag |
false |
Do not plot marching waveforms |
noopiter |
flag |
false |
Go directly to gmin stepping. |
numdgt |
Num. |
6 |
Historically "numdgt" was used to set the number of significant figures used for output data. In LTspice, if "numdgt" is set to be > 6, double precision is used for dependent variable data. |
pivrel |
Num. |
1e-3 |
Relative ratio between the largest column entry and an acceptable pivot value. |
pivtol |
Num. |
1e-13 |
Absolute minimum value for a matrix entry to be accepted as a pivot. |
reltol |
Num. |
.001 |
Relative error tolerance. |
srcstepmethod |
Num. |
0 |
Which source stepping algorithm to start with. |
sstol |
Num. |
.001 |
Relative error for steady-state detection. |
startclocks |
Num. |
5 |
Number of clock cycles to wait before looking for steady state. |
temp |
Num. |
27ºC |
Default temperature for circuit element instances that don't specify temperature. |
tnom |
Num. |
27ºC |
Default temperature at which device parameters were measured for models that don't specify this temperature. |
topologycheck |
Num. |
1 |
Set to zero to skip check for floating nodes, loops of voltage sources, and non-physical transformer winding topology |
trtol |
Num. |
1.0 |
Set the transient error tolerance. This parameter is an estimate of the factor by which the actual truncation error is overestimated. |
trytocompact |
Num. |
1 |
When non-zero, the simulator tries to condense LTRA transmission lines' history of input voltages and currents. |
vntol |
Num. |
1µV |
Sets the absolute voltage error tolerance. |
plotreltol |
Num. |
.0025 |
Sets the relative error tolerance for waveform compression. |
plotvntol |
Num. |
10µV |
Sets the absolute voltage error tolerance for waveform compression. |
plotabstol |
Num. |
1nA |
Sets the absolute current error tolerance for waveform compression. |
plotwinsize |
Num. |
300 |
Number of data points to compress in one window. Set to zero to disable compression. |
ptrantau |
Num. |
.1 |
Characteristic source start-up time for a damped pseudo transient analysis to find the operating point. Set to zero to disable pseudo transient. |
ptranmax |
Num. |
0 |
If set non-zero, that time of the damped pseudo transient analysis is used as the operating point whether the circuit has settled or not. |