Command Line Switches

The following table summarizes the command line switches understood by the LTspice executable, XVIIx64.exe(XVIIx86.exe on 32-bit systems):

-alt Set solver to Alternate.
-ascii Use ASCII .raw files. Seriously degrades program performance.
-b Run in batch mode. E.g. "XVIIx64.exe -b deck.cir" will leave the data in file deck.raw
-big Start as a maximized window.
-encrypt Encrypt a model library. For 3rd parties wishing to allow people to use libraries without revealing implementation details. Not used by Linear Technology Corporation models.
-FastAccess Batch conversion of a binary .raw file to Fast Access format.
-FixUpSchematicFontsConvert the font size field of very old user-authored schematic text to the modern default.
-FixUpSymbolFonts Convert the font size field of very old user-authored symbols to the modern default. See Changelog.txt for application hints.
-ini <path> Specify an .ini file to use other than %APPDATA%\LTspiceXVII.ini
-I<path> Specify a path to insert in the symbol and file search paths. Must be the last specified option. No space between "-I" and <path> is allowed.
-max Synonym for -big
-netlist Batch conversion of a schematic to a netlist.
-norm Set solver to Normal.
-PCBnetlist Batch conversion of a schematic to a PCB format netlist.
-registry Force LTspice to store user preferences, MRU, etc. in the registry instead of the file %APPDATA%\LTspiceXVII.ini
-Run Start simulating the schematic opened on the command line without pressing the Run button.
-SOI Allow MOSFET's to have up to 7 nodes even in subcircuit expansion.
-sync Sync release
-uninstall Executes one step of the uninstallation process.

In addition to the above command line switches, LTspice accepts two environmental variables. If PASTE_OMEGA is set, the UNICODE capital omega symbol, ©, is pasted on the clipboard instead of "Ohm." If the environmental variable CAPITAL_KILO is set, LTspice understands you prefer an upper case metric multiplier for all multipliers greater than 1, not just those greater than 1000.