.OPTIONS -- Set Simulator Options

Keyword Default Description
abstol1pAAbsolute current error tolerance
autognd0Set nonzero to allow LTspice to use a different node than node 0 as global common.
baudrate(none)Used for eye diagrams. Tells the waveform viewer how to wrap the abscissa time to overlay the bit transitions.
chgtol10fCAbsolute charge tolerance
cshunt0.Optional capacitance added from every node to ground
cshuntinterncshunt Optional capacitance added from every device internal node to ground.
defad0.Default MOS drain diffusion area
defas0.Default MOS source diffusion area
defl100μmDefault MOS channel length
defw100μmDefault MOS channel width
delay0.Used for eye diagrams. Shifts the bit transitions in the diagram.
fastaccessfalseConvert to fastaccess file format at end of simulation.
flagloadsfalseFlags external current sources as loads.
gfarad1e-12Conductivity leakage per farad of every capacitor element.
gfloat1e-12Conductivity added to from every floating node to ground if topology checking is enabled.
gmin1e-12Conductivity added to every PN junction to aid convergence.
gminsteps25Set to zero to prevent gminstepping for the initial DC solution.
gshunt0.Optional conductance added from every node to ground.
itl1100DC iteration count limit.
itl250DC transfer curve iteration count limit.
itl410Transient analysis time point iteration count limit
itl625Set to zero to prevent source stepping for the initial DC solution.
srcsteps25Alternative name for itl6.
maxclocksInfin.maximum number of clock cycles to save
maxstepInfin.Maximum step size for transient analysis
meascplxfmtbodeComplex number format of .meas statement results. One of "polar", "cartesian", or "bode".
measdgt6Number of significant figures used for .measure statement output.
methodtrapNumerical integration method, either trapezoidal or Gear
minclocks10minimum number of clock cycles to save
mindeltagmin1e-4Limit for termination of adaptive gmin stepping.
nomarchfalseDo not plot marching waveforms
noopiterfalseGo directly to gmin stepping.
numdgt6Historically "numdgt" was used to set the number of significant figures used for output data. In LTspice, if "numdgt" is set to be > 6, double precision is used for dependent variable data.
pivrel1e-3Relative ratio between the largest column entry and an acceptable pivot value.
pivtol1e-13Absolute minimum value for a matrix entry to be accepted as a pivot.
referencenode(none)Stipulates name of node to be used as global common if autognd is nonzero.
reltol.001Relative error tolerance.
srcstepmethod0Which source stepping algorithm to start with.
sstol.001Relative error for steady-state detection.
startclocks5Number of clock cycles to wait before looking for steady state.
temp27°CDefault temperature for circuit element instances that don't specify temperature.
tnom27°CDefault temperature at which device parameters were measured for models that don't specify this temperature.
topologycheck1Set to zero to skip check for floating nodes, loops of voltage sources, and non-physical transformer winding topology
trtol1.0Transient error tolerance. This parameter is an estimate of the factor by which the actual truncation error is overestimated.
trytocompact1When non-zero, the simulator tries to condense LTRA transmission lines' history of input voltages and currents.
vntol1μVAbsolute voltage error tolerance.
plotreltol.0025Relative error tolerance for waveform compression.
plotvntol10μVAbsolute voltage error tolerance for waveform compression.
plotabstol1nAAbsolute current error tolerance for waveform compression.
plotwinsize300Number of data points to compress in one window. Set to zero to disable compression.
ptrantau.1Characteristic source start-up time for a damped pseudo transient analysis to find the operating point. Set to zero to disable pseudo transient.
ptranmax0If set non-zero, that time of the damped pseudo transient analysis is used as the operating point whether the circuit has settled or not.