
This pane allows you to configure some aspects of the waveform viewer.

Data trace width: Plot pen thickness in pixels.

Cursor width: Thickness of the attached cursor and zoom rectangle dithered lines.

Use radian measure in waveform expressions: Determines where sin(90) is 1 or 0.8939966636005579.

Use "XOR" type cross hair cursor: The XOR cursor is a cross hair that is visible no matter what screen color is behind the cursor. For example, if the background is black, the cursor is white and visa versa. But note that it actually isn't an XOR function, because the cursor is still highly visible even against a grey background where the XOR'ed value has all inverted bits but the color is not distinguishably different. Using the "XOR" cursor is highly desirable, but not all video hardware and drivers get this right. Hence LTspice supports an opaque cursor that is in high contrast to the waveform window background but not necessarily in high contrast to the plot data. This less desirable cursor is the installation default since some hardware can't do the "XOR" cursor properly.

Directory for .raw and .log datafiles: This is useful if you want to specify a RAM disk or SSD drive for waveform data.