Version 4 SHEET 1 880 680 WIRE -896 -272 -1008 -272 WIRE -256 -272 -656 -272 WIRE -224 -272 -256 -272 WIRE -1008 -240 -1008 -272 WIRE -512 -224 -656 -224 WIRE -480 -224 -512 -224 WIRE -512 -208 -512 -224 WIRE -624 -176 -656 -176 WIRE -624 -160 -624 -176 WIRE -256 -128 -256 -272 WIRE -1008 -112 -1008 -176 WIRE -1008 -112 -1056 -112 WIRE -512 -112 -512 -128 WIRE -1008 -96 -1008 -112 WIRE -1008 48 -1008 -16 WIRE -848 48 -848 -144 WIRE -848 48 -1008 48 WIRE -256 48 -256 -64 WIRE -256 48 -848 48 WIRE -256 80 -256 48 FLAG -512 -112 0 FLAG -224 -272 OUT IOPIN -224 -272 Out FLAG -1056 -112 IN IOPIN -1056 -112 In FLAG -256 80 0 FLAG -480 -224 DUTY IOPIN -480 -224 In FLAG -624 -160 0 SYMBOL voltage -1008 -112 R0 WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0 WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0 SYMATTR InstName Vin SYMATTR Value 10V SYMBOL voltage -512 -224 R0 WINDOW 123 48 96 Left 0 WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0 WINDOW 0 39 58 Left 0 WINDOW 3 39 86 Left 0 SYMATTR InstName Vbias SYMATTR Value "" SYMBOL res2 -272 -128 R0 SYMATTR InstName R1 SYMATTR Value 9.999 SYMBOL res2 -1024 -176 M180 WINDOW 0 36 56 Left 0 WINDOW 3 36 16 Left 0 SYMATTR InstName Rlf SYMATTR Value {Rlf} SYMBOL BOOST-CCM-VM-AC -720 -240 R0 SYMATTR InstName X1 TEXT -1120 336 Left 0 !.dc Vbias 0.01 0.99 0.001 TEXT -1120 72 Left 0 ;TR DC model:\nA1=Active node, the switch terminal not connected to the diode\nP1,2=Pasive node, the diode terminal not connected to the switch\nC2=Common node, the junction between the diode and the power switch terminal\nCheck the right diode polarity TEXT -904 -408 Left 0 ;BOOST DC transfer V(out)/V(in) (function of duty cycle D)\nFor DC, any L is short-circuited and any capacitor removed TEXT -1112 248 Left 0 ;The sweep source must be named "Vname" otherwise .DC directive\nwill not recognize the sweep source (eg. "name" is not recognized) TEXT -1120 312 Left 0 !.step param Rlf 0.1 1 0.1 RECTANGLE Normal -120 368 -1136 -432