Version 4 SHEET 1 1512 988 WIRE -32 128 -256 128 WIRE -256 160 -256 128 WIRE -32 176 -32 128 WIRE -304 240 -448 240 WIRE -448 272 -448 240 WIRE -448 400 -448 352 WIRE -256 400 -256 256 WIRE -256 400 -448 400 WIRE -32 400 -32 256 WIRE -32 400 -256 400 WIRE -448 432 -448 400 FLAG -448 432 0 SYMBOL voltage -448 256 R0 SYMATTR InstName V1 SYMATTR Value 0 SYMBOL voltage -32 160 R0 SYMATTR InstName V2 SYMATTR Value 5 SYMBOL nmos -304 160 R0 SYMATTR InstName M1 SYMATTR Value DN2535 TEXT -488 -32 Left 0 !.dc V2 0 10 0.01 V1 -2 0 1 TEXT -472 488 Left 0 ;1. Add a "nmos" component to the schematic.\n \n2. Replace the value NMOS with DN2535\n on your nmos-transistor in the schematic.\n \n6. Put the model either on the schematic or into a file.\n \nAdd the SPICE line \n .include supertex.lib\nto your schematic if you use a model file. \nI recommend to keep the model file in the same \nfolder as the schematic. This makes a complete\nbackup of a circuit easy. TEXT -176 -32 Left 0 ;Vgs -2, -1, 0 TEXT -488 -104 Left 0 ;Plot Id(M1) TEXT -488 -224 Left 0 ;Depletion Mode NMOSFET DN2535 From Supertex TEXT -488 -176 Left 0 ;Warning, the original supertex.lib file contains 75 useless/wrong ".ENDS" lines.\nThey have to be removed or made to comments, e.g. "*.ENDS".