Version 4 SHEET 1 1036 680 WIRE -96 128 -96 96 WIRE -96 240 -96 208 WIRE -96 336 -96 288 WIRE -96 448 -96 416 WIRE 160 288 -96 288 WIRE 208 96 -96 96 WIRE 208 208 208 96 WIRE 208 448 208 304 FLAG 208 448 0 FLAG -96 448 0 FLAG -96 240 0 SYMBOL nmos 160 208 R0 SYMATTR InstName M1 SYMATTR Value MTD3055vG SYMATTR Prefix X SYMBOL voltage -96 320 R0 SYMATTR InstName V1 SYMATTR Value 0 SYMBOL voltage -96 112 R0 SYMATTR InstName V2 SYMATTR Value 5 TEXT -128 -96 Left 0 !.include MTD3055V.sub TEXT -128 -56 Left 0 !.dc V2 0 5 0.1 V1 0 5 1 TEXT 144 -96 Left 0 ;Add the symbol "nmos" to the schematic.\n-Right-mouse-click on the placed symbol.\nChange Prefix: MN to Prefix: X\nAlways X is required for the Prefix-value if a subcircuit definition is used.\nChange the name NMOS to the subcircuit name MTD3055vG.\nAdd a command line .include MTD3055V.sub TEXT -104 0 Left 0 ;Plot I(M1:D)